Thursday, June 24, 2021

Angel of Jerusalem

“Angel of Jerusalem” is the testimony of Irene, who share about future role of Jerusalem in the end times and Millennium Kingdom. Irene also shares about spiritual warfare, which she saw in Israel and Jerusalem and how this warfare will affect the world. 


Friday, October 5, 2018


What is the Ministry of Revelation, its role in the history of mankind,
and how this order is different from the prophetic ministry? In this
video podcast I share my personal testimony about my calling and my
spiritual growth in the ministry of revelation.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Podcast # 7 How to be saved

How to be saved?
This topic can be controversial even among believers in Christ. What is
requires for our salvation? What shall we do to be saved? Irene Petra is
looking on steps of how we should approach God to be saved.

Angel of Jerusalem

“Angel of Jerusalem” is the testimony of Irene, who share about future role of Jerusalem in the end times and Millennium Kingdom. Irene also...