Thursday, February 18, 2016

Prophetic Update #1 “Fear not”

 Shalom, my name is Irene. Let the Voice of the Spirit of Truth speak today for our souls.
Repent! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Dear friends! Heavenly Father put on my heart to start these prophetic updates to edify and inspire the body of Christ, His bride, His children. He wants me to share with you His Word that I received through the Holy Spirit.
I am a Messianic believer; I am a daughter of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through the blood and through the faith in Yeshua Hamashiah (Jesus Christ). Heavenly Father gave me a prophetic gift more than 20 years ago, but only now He is sending me with His word to His children. The time has come when the fullness of the nations is coming to an end and when the Lord is turning His favor toward His people Israel. I was reluctant to come forward with these revelations, visions, and prophecies. I know the price I am going to pay, and I have already paid in the past for being obedient to His voice. I am just a messenger, but many of you will not believe and will be quick to throw virtual stones against me. God bless you all, especially those who are going to hate me and persecute me. I am serving no man, but my Lord, God Almighty. I am His bond servant and part of His household.
A few days ago Yeshua came to me in a vision urging me to start these updates. I asked Him to send another person, who can do more for His Kingdom. He told me that I have a free choice to follow His calling or not, but in the end of my earthly journey I am going to answer for everything I have done or said or thought in my entire life. Then I saw a vision of the future, when I was standing before the judgment throne of Yeshua, the Son of God. It was a throne room, and an angel was standing right beside the throne. This angel was holding the book of my life where was written everything that I had done, good or bad. When the angel of God reached the place in the book where I had sinned, my sins were proclaimed in the open, even those that I had done in secret, but Yeshua answered him: this sin is covered by My blood through her repentance. Then righteous Judgment was served, and the angel continued to read the book of my life.
Brothers and sisters, we all are going to be judged by the book, by His word, by His commandments. I am a sinner and not any better than all of you. I am forgiven through the blood of Yeshua. But there is a book that is keeping all our deeds, words, and thoughts.
One time I was taken through the gates of the New Jerusalem in a vision. Near the gates I was shown the Book of Life with my name in it. This name was not engraved in the book, but designed in such a way that the golden letters of my name were standing out (protruding) from the pages. Then I was shown the book of my life. It was like a scroll. It started to unravel from the days of my conception, and everything would go in motion like a movie before my eyes. But when there was a part of my life when I sinned – this place was stained with the redness of the blood of Yeshua. His blood covered my sins. I learned that people in heaven like to share their life stories with each other. But to the sadness of many they will have nothing to show but the great mercy of Christ in their life. The lives of many show only the redness of the blood of Yeshua that covers their many sins.

I pray today for those who do not believe that there are consequences for sin. You are greatly mistaken. Sin has grievous consequences in people’s life. The more a person sins, the more damaged the soul becomes. If you listen to me right now, I plead you to repent of the sins in your life and to turn away from the world. Do not waste another minute in a sinful lifestyle. It will cost you a lot. If you think of repenting in the last minute, think again. Do you know WHEN your last minute will be? You may not have another chance to repent.
Today the Lord wants me to share with you His word:
Fear Not
Fear Not
This is the word of the Lord:
Fear not My child, when the storms will come.
Fear not My child, when My judgment befalls.
Fear not My child, I am holding you in My hand.
Fear not My child, I have purpose for you in the end.
Fear not My child, I love you even when you fall.
Fear not My child, come to Me away from the world.
Fear not My child, I am counting the days.
Fear not My child, and lift up your gaze.
Fear not My child, I am coming for you.
Fear not My child, because I love you.
Fear not My child, I created you, and you are part of My plan.
Fear not My child, be in peace and keep your heart for Me pure and glad..

Heavenly Father bless you and keep you safe! In Yeshua’s name!


  1. Dear sister you have no idea how much your videos and encouraging words of your blog have blessed me and encouraged me to carry on with the Lord. I am 29 years old from the midwest and the Lord called me when I was 18 years old. I made many mistakes by being disobedient to the Lord but a little over one year ago the Lord had mercy on me and did something very special in my life. He brought me out of that unstable life and gave me the word that he is making me like a tree planted by the water. I was never able to be consistant with my walk with the Lord in the past because I would do good for a little while then I would always be drawn back into the desires of the world and so my interests were divided. When Jesus gave me another chance he truely made me like a tree that he himself planted and established. I began to to seek Him every day after work and started to attend church faithfully with joy in my heart. And now I even get to serve the Lord at church and I cant thank Him enough for his mercy.

    Do not stop telling everything the Lord speaks to you because people need to know the truth and people will pursecute you because the spirit of glory and of God rests on you. The Lord bless you! All praise and honor and power be to Jesus forever amen.


  2. Since I surrendered my entire life to the Lord I have experienced many trials but the Lord has been with me holding my hand and strengthening me. Will you pray for me whenever the Lord brings me to mind? My name is Leslie.

    God bess you


Angel of Jerusalem

“Angel of Jerusalem” is the testimony of Irene, who share about future role of Jerusalem in the end times and Millennium Kingdom. Irene also...